Disclaimer: The following information is provided to you as an accommodation and for convenience purposes only. Reasonable efforts have been made to confirm the accuracy of such information; however, no liability is assumed by any party for any misstatement of fact or erroneous information included herein.




Who is the owner/developer of Stonegate Farms?

Stonegate Farms, LLC is an Alabama limited liability corporation formed by Stonegate Realty Company, LLC (SRC) for the purpose of developing Stonegate Farms.

SRC was formed as an outgrowth of a management-led acquisition of a mixed-use portfolio of real estate from Torchmark Corporation in 1999 in a $100 million transaction.

The officers of SRC have extensive experience in both commercial and residential development. SRC managed the development of Liberty Park until July 1999, when Drummond Company acquired all the residential aspects of the Liberty Park development from its joint venture with Torchmark Corporation.


What governmental entities have jurisdiction over the property?

City/County government: Shelby County, District 8

Police Jurisdiction: Shelby County Sheriff's Department

Fire District: Cahaba Valley Fire and Emergency Medical Rescue - Class 4

School District: Shellby County School System
Mt. Laurel Elementary School
Chelsea Middle School
Chelsea High School

Septic Approvals: Shelby County Health Department
Contact: Larry Rush (620-1650)

Building Permits: Shelby County Building Inspection
Contact: Gerald Cummings, Chief (620-6650)

Post Office: Meadow Brook Post Office (995-8096)
Birmingham, Alabama 35242
Morgan Taylor, Postmaster

What are the highlights of Stonegate Farms' Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CCR's)?

Minimum home size: 2,500 square feet
Maximum home size: 15,000 square feet (primary); 3,000 square feet (guest)
Maximum home/roof height: 40 feet

50' undisturbed buffers along all side and rear lot lines.

Underground utilities - Alabama Power, Alltel Phone, Alagasco Natural Gas, Birmingham Water Works Board.

Standard fence detail for all fences visible from Common Areas.

No more than 5 pets (i.e. dogs and cats) per lot.

Controlled construction procedures.

Subdivision of lots prohibited without ARC (Architectural Review Committee) approval.

No hunting allowed in the development.

Construction time requirement:
There is no requirement to begin construction (unless otherwise stated in a definitive sales agreement); however, once construction has commenced, it must be continuously and diligently pursued to completion. The Stonegate Farms Property Owners' Association will manage the Common Areas and the CC&R's.

The Architectural Review Committee (the "ARC") will manage all architectural and aesthetic development issues. All plans for improvements must be approved in advance by the ARC.

Farm Animal Lots are specifically designated.

Lakes on Stonegate Farms property will be available for the use and enjoyment of all residents of the Development; however, designated Lake Lots have certain rights and additional restrictions relating to their use and occupancy.

No swimming will be be permitted in the lakes within Stonegate Farms.

Click here for the complete 65-page covenant document in .PDF format.

What is the annual cost of membership in the Stonegate Farms Property Owners' Association (POA) and how are these costs adjusted?

Dues in 2009: $1,550.00 per platted lot. (Includes lot owner's share of maintenance of Common Areas) per platted lot. (Includes lot owner's share of maintenance of Common Areas) per platted lot. (Includes lot owner's share of maintenance of Common Areas)

Dues are adjusted annually as approved by the POA-based on projected POA expenses for the coming year.

Dues pro-rated over the year based on closing.

Who manages the Stonegate Farms Property Owner's Association ("SFPOA")?

The Stonegate Farms Property Owner's Association is managed by Neighborhood Management, LLC. Their contact information is:

Neighborhood Management, LLC
Mountain Brook Center
2700 Hwy 280, Suite 206
Birmingham, AL 35223
(205) 877-9480 PH

Will the Developer build a fence along the Common Area roads?

No. However, if lot owners desire to build a fence along the Common Area roads that are boundaries of their particular lots, then such fence must be a certain uniform type.

Who can use the Lakes at Stonegate Farms.

The lakes within Stonegate Farms are for the use of all residents of Stonegate Farms.

Lake lot owners may access the lakes from their lot. No bulkheads or boat docks will be allowed. Boats are to be kept out of the water and stored in a secure and sightly manner on their property when not in use.

Non-Lake Lot owners may access the lakes from common areas adjoining the lake. Boats may be launched by non-Lake Lot owners from the common area adjacent to the lake. Boats may be no longer than 16 feet and must have electric trolling motors with power not to exceed 40 pound trust. Non-Lake Lot owners' boats must be kept on their property.

No swimming will be permitted in the lakes within Stonegate Farms.

May I build a gazebo along the water's edge on any lake lot?


Will I have access to the several adjacent lakes not within Stonegate Farms?

Neither the Developer, the Association, any Owner, nor any Occupant shall have any rights in and to, or any obligations with respect to, any or all of Smyer Lake, Hollybrook Lake, Upper Big Pine Lake and/or Lower Big Pine Lake, all located in the vicinity of the Development.

Such area lakes are privately owned by other parties, and are provided solely for such other parties and their guests. Ownership of any Lot or Dwelling within the Development shall not entitle such Owner to any rights in or for the use of any such area lakes. All of such area lakes are specifically excluded from Common Areas as herein defined.

Will there be a horse trail?

Yes, there is an existing trail (which is available for use by horses, bikers, and walkers) that meanders through the greater part of the Development. It consists of a cleared dirt path and is clearly marked.

Will there be a common barn/equestrian facility?


Will this be a gated community development?

Yes. The cost for two opening devices is included in the lot price. Maids, lawn care professionals, and/or other residential service providers will have to call your home or be given the code in order to enter the gate. The purpose of the gate is to control access to Stonegate Farms and not to provide any measure of "Security" to the residents. In fact, several sections of both the Covenants and the Purchase Contract deal with this issue directly.

Can I purchase additional gate opening devices?

Yes, subject to the POA's rules, regulations and pricing policies. The current price for additional opening devices is $75.00 each.

Will the gate be manned or unmanned?


What is the purpose of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC)?

In order to ensure the quality of this community, an Architectural Review Committee has been established whose responsibility it is to review and approve all individual site, building and landscape plans for:

- Consideration of primary site design issues;
- Sensitivity to the natural beauty of the land;
- Encouraging excellence in architectural design.

The authority to approve or disapprove building and landscape plans is granted to the ARC by Article V of the recorded and applicable CCR's.

The ARC's goal is to maintain within the overall community pleasing relationships of building to site and building to building, without unreasonably restricting individual residents' creativity or preferences.

What is the current amount of the plan review fee?

$850.00 payable to Blackwell Nelson Companies, plus a $100.00 erosion control plan review fee which is payable to Spectrum Environmental.

Who are the current members of the ARC?

Certain members of Stonegate Farms, LLC, and Stonegate Farms residents.

What is the ARC process?

All house plans must be submitted to, and approved by, the ARC in accordance with Article V of the CC&R's prior to starting construction. Once plans are approved, such plans may be submitted to the appropriate governmental authority for a building permit.

Describe unacceptable architecture.

Anything in the opinion of the ARC that is inherently in conflict with the countryside character and nature of the development.

May I use any builder, or is there a list of approved builders?

You may choose your own builder. Each builder will be required to post a $2,000.00 deposit with the developer to insure the builder's compliance with rules and regulations relating to construction activity in Stonegate Farms. Additionally an erosion control overnight feel of $65.00 per month payable to Spectrum Environmental will be charged to each owner/builder during construction.

What are the applicable building setback requirements?

A 50 foot undisturbed buffer will be required along all sides and rear lot lines. See Article VI of the CC&R's for specific building setback requirements.

Under what circumstances may the CCR's be modified?

The ARC has broad authority to grant variances to take into account the numerous unforeseen conditions that owners and builders will encounter as they plan and construct their homes and other improvements within Stonegate Farms.

The purpose of the CCR's is to provide a comprehensive framework to encourage quality development - not a rigid set of rules to discourage reasonable architectural expression.

Will mail be delivered to a mailbox at the end of my driveway?

Yes. A standard mailbox design has been approved by the ARC and all mailboxes will comply with this approved design. Each owner will be responsible for their mailbox at that owner's own expense.

What types of driveway surfaces will be allowed?

Black asphalt at the intersection of any driveway with a Stonegate Farms road extending on approved distance on to the lot, unless specifically approved by the ARC. Black concrete is also an option in lieu of black asphalt. Beyond the transition distance approved by the ARC, alternative driveway may be used as approved by the ARC.

Who will pick up my trash/garbage?

Waste Management is the service provider for Shelby County and serves Stonegate Farms. Each homeowner will be responsible for calling and setting up their own account and will be billed directly by Waste Management (841-2740). Trash is picked up once a week.

Is there Cable TV service to the development?

Not at this time.

What is the zoning?

Stonegate Farms is currently located in an unzoned area of Shelby County.

What is the Property Tax assessment rate and the mileage rate?

Homestead Assessment:10%
Vacant Property Assessment: 20%
Mileage Rate: 44 mils per thousand dollars of assessed value
Vacant land: Lot Value@$175,000 x 20% x .044=$1,540 Property Tax
Homestead: Home and Property value @ $650,000 x 10% x .044 = $2,860 Property Tax.

Will homes in Stonegate Farms be utilizing sewer or septic?

Septic. There is no sewer service to the project.

Does the land within Stonegate Farms typically percolate?

The Developments to each side of Stonegate Farms (Shoal Creek and Smyer Lake) utilize residential septic systems and to the best of our knowledge, those systems are in good working order.

All test pits on different lots in Stonegate Farms have been completed and the results were all positive. No further test pits have been performed since it is not known where the homes on any given lot will be sited.

It will be the responsibility of each lot Buyer to become comfortable with the satisfaction of percolation requirements relative to their lot as it relates to their proposed home site and necessary septic field lines.

Note: In the event that there is a conflict between this document and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's), then the CC&R's shall govern.


Disclaimer: The following information is provided to you as an accommodation and for convenience purposes only. Reasonable efforts have been made to confirm the accuracy of such information; however, no liability is assumed by any party for any misstatement of fact or erroneous information included herein.

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